Xetior: Voiced by Jalen Askins
When Jaki arrives at Chillgrave Keep, she is faced with the ultimate big-bad evil sorcerer, Xetior. Xetior is voiced by an amazingly talented voice actor: Jalen Askins.
“Jaki has chased her brother’s killer all the way to Chillgrave Keep. Are you brave enough to go inside?”
This video clip gives the player a taste of the final battle at Chillgrave Keep against the ultimate evil boss. Enjoy Xetior’s snarky taunts as you try to survive – voiced by Jalen Askins.
“Jalen will amaze you with his range and commanding voice!”
I highly recommend Jalen. He is professional and talented. All dialogue lines were exactly as I heard them in my head, and he got the files back to me incredibly fast. Jalen is a joy to work with and I hope he will voice many more characters for me in the future.
Jalen Askins Voices JWA on Steam Now!