Indie Games Developer
shining a light on indie game developers and associated people in the industry
IGD (Indie Games Developer) is a huge endeavor to bring the indie game community together and offer some very valuable resources as well as connections.
I met Julian several years ago when he was reviving his Linked In community group for indie game developers, his website, and his magazine. I was just beginning to establish my small indie game studio & working to release my first game (Jaki’s Wacky Adventure, a 2D cartoony, family fun, action-adventure). Julian offered the opportunity for me to give an interview which was then featured on his new website. It was great fun, a learning experience, and I made a friend who has been helpful to me during my learning journey.
I have come a long way since that interview. The games Zoozle Zone is currently working on are completely different than that cute wacky cartoon. I’m moving on into my passion with Unity 6 3D and hope to bring some complex, more mature & sophisticated stories to life where the player is faced with some really difficult choices. As soon as I get some new content, I will most certainly take advantage of the marketing Julian offers via his Linked In group and IGD network.
IGD has a lot to offer. For a reasonable investment your game can bask in the limelight of a featured position on the IGD website. He is working on a magazine and “The Big Book of Indie Games”. And his Linked In group offers a source of feedback, community, and a positive venue to show off your game as it develops.
not just for indie game developers
IGD and the Linked In community also brings together content creators, asset developers, creatives associated with the game dev community, and gamers. There’s something for everyone. Julian is a really nice guy who wants to help other people in the indie game community. So, make the connection – join his group on Linked In and/or check out the IGD website.